Chelsea L. Ricker
Chelsea L. Ricker
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Consultant
Chelsea L. Ricker

Meet Chelsea.

Chelsea L. Ricker is a lifelong sexual and reproductive rights activist whose work focuses on amplifying and integrating the voices of women, young people, LGBTQI+ groups, and local communities into programs, policy, and research spaces. Chelsea is an expert in access to and quality of sexual and reproductive health services, comprehensive sexuality education, sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response, and international human rights structures.

She has worked with local groups across the world as well as with international agencies and organizations, and lived in the US, Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean.

Chelsea works globally and locally to advance sexual rights and social justice. She is a board member for HIPS, a community-led organization providing one-stop, holistic, inclusive services and support for sex workers, drug users, and people living in street economies in Washington DC.

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